Property examples for an SMSF

An SMSF can invest in properties

  • commercial or residential
  • with loans or without loans and
  • can invest locally or overseas

As long as the investment strategy of the SMSF allows for this and the SMSF Trust Deed does not prohibit this type of investment. The investment strategy and deed Superannuation Warehouse issues allow for any types of property investment, as long as it is an allowable investment per the ATO guidelines.

There are several property agents and promoters that can assist you in the position of Trustee of the SMSF to help select a property. We at Superannuation Warehouse will act as your accountant and tax agent, and it is your decision as Trustee of the SMSF to select a suitable property.

Tax deductions for property

To claim depreciation on the decline in value in the building cost of a property, you will need a quantity surveyor’s report. The rate of depreciation is usually 2.5%. The ATO gives guidance an the process of property depreciation. An example of a quantity surveyor is BMT Quantity Surveyors.