If your SMSF has been set up, you can use the Super Fund Lookup Service to confirm the details of your SMSF.
SMSF’s that have not lodged their Annual Return for 2 or more Financial Years may have their SMSF’s details removed from the Super Fund Lookup. When all overdue annual returns are brought up to date, the SMSF details may be included again, but this can take some time.
You may have more than one Superannuation account if you changed jobs. To look up lost Super, use the resources as listed below:
To transfer lost super to your SMSF, you can complete a Rollover Benefits Request. This instruction will initiate funds to be rolled into your SMSF’s bank account. For more information on transferring benefits to your SMSF, please view the information page here.
Have Questions?
Ask Superannuation Warehouse experts
Superannuation Warehouse is based in Melbourne and have clients throughout Australia. We deliver our SMSF administration services in an efficient and paperless way. This efficient service means a competitive fee to you. Our low ongoing fees will enable you to take control of your Super.
Superannuation Warehouse is an accounting firm and do not provide financial advice. All information provided has been prepared without taking into account any of the Trustees’ objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of that, Trustees are advised to consider their own circumstances before engaging our services.
Monday to Friday
9.00am – 5.00pm