SMSF Setup
If you have made the decision to set up an SMSF, Superannuation Warehouse can execute the SMSF (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) establishment. To instruct us to setup your SMSF, simply choose an option below, enter the captcha security code and click ‘send’. Once we receive your application, Superannuation Warehouse will contact you to confirm the details of your application.
The standard SMSF setup at a cost of $450 is for Individual Trustees when we set up the SMSF. If the Member want a Corporate Trustee to be set up, we charge an additional $950 for the Proprietary Limited Company setup with ASIC. Most Funds are set up using Individual Trustees. For the advantages of using a Corporate Trustee, see here.
A Trustee has the responsibility to ensure that their SMSF complies with ATO rules. Therefore, before you set up an SMSF, the ATO expects the same level of discipline from your personal tax affairs. If you have any personal tax returns or debt outstanding, the Tax Office will not issue an ABN or TFN required to set up the Fund. If you are associated with any outstanding tax return or debt, please do not proceed with this application.
Apply Online
A Fund name for your new SMSF should be something like “Smith Family Super Fund”. This name does not need to be unique. The ABN (Australian Business Number) and TFN (Tax File Number), which will be issued by the ATO for your SMSF are the unique identifiers for your SMSF.
It is optional to note Death Benefit Nominations in an SMSF. Upon establishing the SMSF, the default Death Benefit Nomination included on the Trust Deed that we issue states that when a Member dies, the allocation of the death benefit is up to the remaining Trustees’ discretion. However, if Trustees would like to fill out our Binding Death Benefit Nomination Form, the form can be downloaded on this page.
From 1 January 2015, it is an ATO requirement that an SMSF must be activated and hold assets at the time of establishment. For this reason, the initial SMSF application fee that you pay to us when setting up the Fund will be treated as a personal contribution to the Fund to meet this ATO requirement.

Delivery Policy
Our Delivery Policy is that Trustees pay for services rendered as per our fee schedule after which we will deliver our services.